Shipping & Delivery Policy

Our standard delivery is by DHL overnight at $3.99 per order. Free delivery for orders over $70.00.

We do not currently offer same day delivery. If you require that your order is delivered on a specific date, it can be arranged to arrive on that date at an additional charge. Please contact us following the placing of your order to make this arrangement. Please be aware that delivery dates will likely be affected by public holidays and geographic location (especially if remote). Any order placed on Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays) before 12pm GMT will be dispatched on the same day.​ Orders placed on Saturday or Sunday will be processed on the following Monday (excluding bank holidays) or next working day.

Goods delivered must be signed for, at which point you become responsible for your purchased goods. If, in your order, you have specified a recipient who is not you for delivery purposes (for example as a gift) then you accept the evidence of a signature by them (or at that delivery address) as evidence of delivery and fulfilment of the legal obligations of the contract by Hawkridge Spirits LLP.​

Please check the condition of your packaged product(s) before you sign for it. If there is any damage on the packaging, do not sign for it.  Instead, hand it back to the courier to return the goods to us.  If you only discover that your parcel is damaged after you’ve signed for it, please contact us to resolve at

To purchase products from Hawkridge Spirits LLP. you must be of legal age to buy alcohol in the country, state or province in which you live. We will only make delivery of our products to individuals of legal purchase age. Our delivery company will require a signature on delivery and if the driver is unable to determine the age of the recipient, will request ID to determine the recipient’s age, or (if this is not possible to ascertain), will refuse to deliver the goods.

Hawkridge Spirits LLP does not deliver to addresses outside the UK. Customers must have a UK billing address for the card which is used to make the purchase.  While we ship to most locations within the UK we do not ship through website ordering platform to The Channel Islands, The Orkney Islands, The Isle of Scilly, Ireland, The Highlands, The Isle of Wight nor The Isle of Man. Please contact us directly for support on delivery to these locations.


Our products are classified as perishable goods and some as flammable liquids.  We are therefore unable to offer returns on our products, unless they are in some way defective or faulty.

If defective or faulty, please contact us directly detailing the nature of the defect.  If you have decided to returned the product(s) to us because they are faulty or mis-described, once we have investigated and a replacement or refund has been approved, we will replace, exchange or refund the defective / mis-described goods as soon as possible in full and together with any applicable delivery charges.